Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I am doing my future technological research project on cloning and I think what I have found so far is very interesting. First of all, cloning has a negative connotation for most people because when they think of clone they think of a massive army of clones used for war. However, cloning can be used for really good things, not just the ability to have more of yourself to help. Cloning researchers are more interested in cloning to help enhance the society we live in.

The most important use for cloning that researchers are focusing on is to help save lives. For example, if your kidneys were failing and you needed a transplant a doctor could just take a sample of cells from your current kidneys and grow a new pair. This way you avoid taking someone else's body part which can cause some psychological distress and there is no waiting list so you can get what you need as soon as possible.

Most researchers in England are focusing more on cloning for economical purposes than biological purposes. A new trend within farmer/scientists in Western Europe is to clone their sheep or cows so that they can produce their products faster and get the best animal all the time. This is much more controversial because people are starting to get worried about eating the cloned animal or a product of a cloned animal for fear of sickness. However, as research has proved, cloned animals are no different than the animals that they got cloned from. If cloning livestock become popular, it could have great benefits to society. A faster out put of high demand dairy products and meats will make the cost go down and have a better quality (because you would only clone animals of the higher quality.)

The biggest problem cloning has today is peoples reaction to cloning. The ethics of cloning seem too scientific and futuristic for people right now. However, in the future it can be a whole other story...

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