Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Science fiction themes, motifs and aspects

I have been watching science fiction moves/tv shows for a while and haven't even known. So here are  some of my favorites and what makes them sci fi.

1. The star wars movies - my dad loves star wars and showed it to me when I was little. I loved princess Leia and the light sabers. What makes this science fiction is first the existence of aliens and life outside of our galaxy. For example, Yoda and Chewbacca are fictional alien like creatures who can communicate with humans like Luke. Another aspect of science fiction within star wars is the advanced technology that seem necessary to life within the fictional world. For example, space ships and light sabers.

2. Wall-E- a classic movie for little kids, I would never quess it was science fiction. Things that stand out to me now obit I didn't realize before is the end of the world on planet earth, the advanced technology and its set in the future. Wall-E stars with the showing of an Earth ruined by the exsessive garbage thrown away by the population,Mathis is a motif in science fiction that uses the scenario of the end of the world as we know it. All the humans moved to space which is another aspect of science fiction, the advanced technology of the spaceship.

3. Planet of the apes- I didnt like this the first time I saw it but it is a great example of science fiction. First, it has the mutated monkeys who were affected by a human made stimulant. Next, it has the ending of the human race because the apes have taken over the world. Finally, It has a different political system which helps show how different the world is now since the monkeys took over.

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