Independence Day is a classic alien, science fiction movie. It starts on July 2nd when signals being read on earth are interrupted. The military figures out that there are a whole bunch of object set to collide with earth. Then they find out it they are not just objects but spaceships. As the government tries to communicate with the aliens, a scientist figures out that the aliens are going to destroy major points on earth. On July 3rd, major cities around the US are destroyed. The military tries a counter attack in the air but it back fires and they loose the battle. Will Smith kills an alien but then has to abandon his ship. As he drags the alien across the desert he is met by a government group going to Area 51. The government group goes to Area 51, an alien cover up, where they get a spaceship and examine the alien. On July 4th, the survivors of the US try to fight back the aliens with Will Smiths character, Captain Steven Hiller. After battles and controversy they successfully kill the aliens by spreading a virus through the aliens mother ship. Hiller is the hero.
I like this movie a lot. I think it does a good job of making Independence Day a movie anyone can watch. It has a little romance, action and science fiction. This movie made me think that we can not be the only people out here in space. We are also a young solar system and anyone else who is out there is more advanced than we are. We probably won't know when the aliens will come to find us. We should be ready at any time and hopefully the government is covering up a stolen spaceship when they come.
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