Monday, October 22, 2012

The thing

The thing is an interesting movie. I was not expecting the dog to be the monster/alien thing. I think the setting of Antarctica is more realistic than suburbia. I like the idea that the alien ship crashed there and froze. It makes it seem like an actual possibility in real life. The characters are very interesting. They all have their own personalities but I would not be able to tell you which ones are infected and which ones aren't. I think MacReady is infected because of his clothes being torn up though.

I think it was mean of the scientist to kill all the dogs and ruin all the equipment. I understand why he did it but I don't think it was smart for the long term. He did it because he wanted to contain the aliens. He thought eventually all of the men on the team would become infected and if the infection got outside of the compound they are in it could effect the whole world.

I hope that they beat the monsters/aliens. I also hope that most of the team survives. However, I could see the movie ending with them all dying and the aliens taking over.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Enders game

I think the idea behind Enders game is compelling. It sounds like a good basis for a book. I am not that far into it right now. So far I feel bad for ender. He is a third child which is rare in his world. Every couple is only allowed two children so that the government can have population control. Ender was allowed to be born because his parents created exceptional children. His older sister and bother were both recognized by the military as being good potential military commanders, but they didn't work out. Ender is supposed to be the best of them all and right now it looks like he is. He has gotten his tracker off which is put on a lot of children. The tracker is to see what children are good enough to be military heroes by looking at the traits they have. Ender seems like a good candidate for the military. He is still being watched by the military even though he got his off. Ender got made fun a lot for getting off because he is a third and the other kids assumed he didn't live up to his expectations. Ender dealt with the bullying by retaliating which the military people liked. They liked how ender kept hurting the kid even though the kid wasn't fighting back. Ender did this  to send a message to the others to not mess with him. The military people offered him a position at the school that would train him. However, it would means that he would have to leave his family for a long time. I think this is really sad but I think ender is obviously going into the military. I hope his sister remembers him.


Sandkings was an interesting story. I liked the written piece way better than the movie. The idea of bugs taking over humans is a classic science fiction theme and I thought it was well represented in the sandkings plot. It also presented the idea of humans thinking they know more than they actually do. Kress thought he had total control over the sandkings when really he had no idea of their potential power. As he deprived them of food they started to turn against him. He thought they were just pets when really they were more like a whole others intelligent species. I like how the author present wo from wo and shade as an innocent character in the beginning. She seemed like just a normal store shop owner who had a mysterious new animal. However in the end she really knew all about the sandkings and her partner was a maw himself. The twist at the end made it a much more compelling story. I didn't like the images the story had when the sandkings ate things. When Kress fed the puppy to the sandkings  I was very sad because it was a disturbing picture. I think the author went too far at that point.

The movie was nothing compared to the story. First, it didn't even follow the same plot line the story did. The setting in the movie was suburbia while in the story it was another world. The sandkings came from a lab and in the story they came from a pet shop. Kress had a whole family and in the story he was a loner. There is no comparison.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Jurassic Park Movie

After finishing the book Jurassic park we watched the movie. I had never seen the movie before and had only heard good things so I was pretty excited. The movie was good but it skipped over a lot of parts that were in the book. For example, the baby velociraptor problem was brought up once throughout the whole thing and then was dropped. I was also disappointed at the end when the velociraptors were just out run and not killed. The movie left a lot out and dumbed a lot down.

The Gould article we read had the same ideas. I agree with him in the fact that the book's plot and main ideas were not conveyed well in the movie at all. A lot of the science and revolutionary DNA work highlighted in the book was totally left out of the movie. I think the movie directors should have tried to represent the book more rather than try to make it more appealing to the audience that they were aiming for, which I assume were teenage boys.

The actors in the movie, I thought, represented the characters from the book very well. The best one I think was Laura Dern who played Ellie. I thought Timmy and Dr. Grant were portrayed very well also. The looks and attitudes of the characters in the book matched the actor's portrayals very well.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

2001 references

2001 is a confusing movie. It was made in 1968 and it was a futuristic fantasy. I don't really understand it yet and from what I have read it is largely misunderstood. However, it is considered one of the best movies of all time.

From watching the first part of it though I have already recognized several references to this movie. I never knew that the writers were referencing 2001 and that there were so many instances of references to it.

1. The Simpsons episode where homer befriends a robot figure very, very similar to HAL and then destroys it by taking out its memory devices.

2.Wall-E is often said to be based off of 2001. The computer figure AUTO seems very similar to HAL.

3. The Zoo lander computer scene is most definitely based off of the ape scene with the black block.

4.Community, a NBC tv show, did an homage to 2001 also in one of their episodes.

Jurassic Park Book Discussion

Before I started the book I had an idea about what it would be like. To be honest, i thought it was going to be pretty boring and very science-y. I wasn't too excited. However, I was pleasantly surprised. The book is very interesting and keeps the readers attention. I especially like how the author writes each chapter from a different characters point of view.

 The main man in the novel is Dr. grant, a famous paleontologist with a very logical point of view. He makes most of his decisions based on his gut and his previous knowledge of dinosaurs. My favorite character is Timmy. He is the grandson of Hammond, the owner of the island, and is invited to see the island and show what the kids point of view is. He is obsessed with dinosaurs and provides a lot of insight into the lives of the dinosaurs. He is, in my opinion, one of the smartest people in the novel, even though he is one of the youngest.

The novel is definately  a book everyone should read. The plot keeps the reader interested and wanting to read more. The dangerous dinosaur island provides an alternative world for the reader to dive into and see what it would be like if dinosaurs where to come back from extinction