Sunday, October 14, 2012

Jurassic Park Movie

After finishing the book Jurassic park we watched the movie. I had never seen the movie before and had only heard good things so I was pretty excited. The movie was good but it skipped over a lot of parts that were in the book. For example, the baby velociraptor problem was brought up once throughout the whole thing and then was dropped. I was also disappointed at the end when the velociraptors were just out run and not killed. The movie left a lot out and dumbed a lot down.

The Gould article we read had the same ideas. I agree with him in the fact that the book's plot and main ideas were not conveyed well in the movie at all. A lot of the science and revolutionary DNA work highlighted in the book was totally left out of the movie. I think the movie directors should have tried to represent the book more rather than try to make it more appealing to the audience that they were aiming for, which I assume were teenage boys.

The actors in the movie, I thought, represented the characters from the book very well. The best one I think was Laura Dern who played Ellie. I thought Timmy and Dr. Grant were portrayed very well also. The looks and attitudes of the characters in the book matched the actor's portrayals very well.

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