Sunday, October 21, 2012

Enders game

I think the idea behind Enders game is compelling. It sounds like a good basis for a book. I am not that far into it right now. So far I feel bad for ender. He is a third child which is rare in his world. Every couple is only allowed two children so that the government can have population control. Ender was allowed to be born because his parents created exceptional children. His older sister and bother were both recognized by the military as being good potential military commanders, but they didn't work out. Ender is supposed to be the best of them all and right now it looks like he is. He has gotten his tracker off which is put on a lot of children. The tracker is to see what children are good enough to be military heroes by looking at the traits they have. Ender seems like a good candidate for the military. He is still being watched by the military even though he got his off. Ender got made fun a lot for getting off because he is a third and the other kids assumed he didn't live up to his expectations. Ender dealt with the bullying by retaliating which the military people liked. They liked how ender kept hurting the kid even though the kid wasn't fighting back. Ender did this  to send a message to the others to not mess with him. The military people offered him a position at the school that would train him. However, it would means that he would have to leave his family for a long time. I think this is really sad but I think ender is obviously going into the military. I hope his sister remembers him.

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