Monday, October 22, 2012

The thing

The thing is an interesting movie. I was not expecting the dog to be the monster/alien thing. I think the setting of Antarctica is more realistic than suburbia. I like the idea that the alien ship crashed there and froze. It makes it seem like an actual possibility in real life. The characters are very interesting. They all have their own personalities but I would not be able to tell you which ones are infected and which ones aren't. I think MacReady is infected because of his clothes being torn up though.

I think it was mean of the scientist to kill all the dogs and ruin all the equipment. I understand why he did it but I don't think it was smart for the long term. He did it because he wanted to contain the aliens. He thought eventually all of the men on the team would become infected and if the infection got outside of the compound they are in it could effect the whole world.

I hope that they beat the monsters/aliens. I also hope that most of the team survives. However, I could see the movie ending with them all dying and the aliens taking over.

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