Sunday, October 21, 2012


Sandkings was an interesting story. I liked the written piece way better than the movie. The idea of bugs taking over humans is a classic science fiction theme and I thought it was well represented in the sandkings plot. It also presented the idea of humans thinking they know more than they actually do. Kress thought he had total control over the sandkings when really he had no idea of their potential power. As he deprived them of food they started to turn against him. He thought they were just pets when really they were more like a whole others intelligent species. I like how the author present wo from wo and shade as an innocent character in the beginning. She seemed like just a normal store shop owner who had a mysterious new animal. However in the end she really knew all about the sandkings and her partner was a maw himself. The twist at the end made it a much more compelling story. I didn't like the images the story had when the sandkings ate things. When Kress fed the puppy to the sandkings  I was very sad because it was a disturbing picture. I think the author went too far at that point.

The movie was nothing compared to the story. First, it didn't even follow the same plot line the story did. The setting in the movie was suburbia while in the story it was another world. The sandkings came from a lab and in the story they came from a pet shop. Kress had a whole family and in the story he was a loner. There is no comparison.

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